Fellowship Adventures
The Next Thing

Thanks for stopping by to check out what’s next in our FA world. If you’re new to the work and ministry of Fellowship Adventures, you can always click on the FA logo at the bottom of this page, and it will take you to our main site. Here you can learn more about how to come on one of our trips or how to support sending people in ministry to experience this remarkable and unique work. Take a minute and click the button below to watch a short video to learn more about our work.

Watch To Learn What We Do

Let’s start with a little history…

As many of you know, Fellowship Adventures first began with Geoff and some friends taking small groups of men pheasant hunting at the Arhart family farm in Alpena, South Dakota. After almost ten years there, we relocated to Platte, South Dakota, where we just completed our ninth season with our good friends Tom and Nova Steinhauser.

Since the earliest days of the Fellowship Adventures journey, the FA team has looked, dreamt, and prayed for a place where we could:

  1. Have our own land (we have always leased)
  2. Have our own lodge (we have always rented)

And so as we waited, God continued to move our work forward… We built our Floating Canadian Lodges. We purchased and built our beloved Fellowship Ranch in Niobrara, Nebraska.

And then it happened. After almost twenty years of faithfully praying, serving and seeking…

The Lord Opened The Door

The Place

800 Acres of Prime Pheasant Hunting Ground

We are the owners of almost 800 acres of the most beautiful & productive pheasant hunting habitat in the world!

The property is located just south of the small community of Presho, South Dakota. For the last thirty years it has been owned by a man who exclusively farmed it for upland bird and other wildlife habitat.


He can do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine...

The Plan

Dakota Fellowship Lodge

The story is humbling. God opened doors and eliminated obstacles. The purchase price was $3.2 million. With incredible assistance from our board (and Geoff's 40-year-old business degree), we negotiated the purchase price down to a flat $3 million. We began the process in February 2023, with plans to borrow the needed funds and then launch a capital campaign.

We were looking at a plan to put 10% down and borrow $2.7 million to secure the land, as it sells so quickly. This would most likely require personal guarantees. Our board gave the green light to move forward. But then something miraculous happened. Within 48 hours, we received $2 million dollars in multiple unsolicited gifts!

Yep... You read that right.

We closed on the land in mid-March, borrowing $1 million with no personal guarantees.

And His favor continues on Fellowship Adventures. Since we closed, we have received enough donations to now pay off the South Dakota property. Before a single shovel breaks the Earth, it will be debt-free!!

Can I get an Amen!!!

FA board members shared a meal on the new lodge site.

The road leading to FA's land in Presho.
FA board members and team spent time in prayer blessing the project and the lives that will be impacted.

Dakota Fellowship Lodge

Coming Fall of 2025

Three custom, purpose built lodges that can host multiple groups of up to 15 or one large group of 30. These lodges are being designed with all the features and comforts FA has observed are important for our guests. While we say this often - we really mean it...

These are World Class, Five Star Lodges

The Need

Experience has taught us that people who give their lives to the ministry and service of others, are often in desperate need of personal encouragement, recreation, and rest. Most left to their own choices will rarely take a break. Add in the expense and time commitment of a trip, and that is typically all the excuse they need to stay home and to keep pushing.

Unfortunately, we have all seen the inevitable burnout that frequently occurs.

And that is why Fellowship Adventures is ready to stand in the gap

Over the years we have been eyewitnesses to the impact that a Fellowship Adventures based hunting, fishing, or adventure trip can have on these good people. It is a simple thing that yields unexpected results. If you have joined us on an FA trip, you know what we mean. It's the change of the daily rhythms of life, a different landscape, or simply a break...

It is our privilege to extravagantly care for people and allow them to unwind in a safe, encouraging environment. We send them home, and they return to what God has called them to: often with a tired body, but a refreshed spirit and outlook.

We consider it a privilege to play our part in encouraging, supporting and giving back to those faithful folks who tirelessly serve and give of themselves to others.

The Ask

We are called and compelled to build a facility that will create unforgettable, restorative and life enriching experiences for people in ministry and serving based vocations. We are asking you to pray about joining us in this adventure by participating in our $6 million dollar capital campaign to begin the journey of building
The Dakota Fellowship Lodge.

Help Us To Say Yes To Those In Need!

This facility will triple the capacity of Fellowship Adventures to care for those in ministry by hosting these adventure trips and retreats. We have been at capacity for the last eight years, we are fully booked for 2024 and much of 2025. In recent years, we have had to say no to many deserving folks because we have no more capacity. This addition allows us to expand our reach in offering these opportunities to more people who need and deserve this kind of care.

There are two ways to give

Fellowship Adventures is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and an approved charity of the National Christian Foundation. If you would like to make a non-cash gift of stocks, real estate, other financial instruments, or a business interest click here to get started.

Pray For

Join Us In


Throughout the 2023 Pheasant season, we took groups of FA trip participants from our lodge in Platte over to Presho to get a tour of the new property. After a sometimes cold side by side ride through the hills, sloughs and food plots. We wrapped up the tour, getting warm and enjoying the hospitality of the FA team in a portable barn set on the building site of our new lodges.

These trips were some of the first opportunities for Geoff and the FA team to share about the vision for DFL. And in the midst of the fellowship, there was one thing that was asked of each guest:

Will you commit to praying for Presho?

Will you pray that the Lord give the board and FA team favor? Pray that hearts will be open to the vision of DFL, pray that the Lord will use this place to impact tens of thousands of lives in the coming decade. And then each person had the opportunity to sign the Pray for Presho board.

If you are learning about our vision for DFL for the first time and haven't had the opportunity to sit in that little barn and sign your name on our Pray for Presho board. We'd love to have you join us one day. Until that day, if you are willing to stand with us and Pray for Presho, we'd invite you to sign our electronic Pray for Presho board.

We'll record all the electronic signatures and incorporate them with the others. And with the Lord's favor, this Pray for Presho board will hang prominently in our lodge as a testament to the support of the thousands of FA supporters who joined us in Praying for Presho.

Pray for Presho

Dakota Fellowship Lodge