We host all kinds of groups on amazing hunting and fishing trips across North and South America. We love the outdoors, but our time afield is just the beginning of what we are about. We create experiences for people that want to experience a one of kind outdoor adventure in a faith based environment. We also curate trips for ministries and other non profits to help them build and deepen relationships with their staff, board, donors and strategic relationships.

We have a special place in our hearts (and mission) to serve people in serving based vocations. Especially pastors, first responders and those that serve in our Military. It’s easy to forget the power of a sunset or the rich conversation in the field, the boat, around the table or a camp fire. We hope it will be one of the greatest hunting or fishing trips of your life. But, much more than that, we hope you are reminded of Gods great love for you by spending time in His creation with other likeminded people.

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I find it difficult to adequately capture in words my gratitude for the enormity of what Geoff has so deftly but skillfully put together with Fellowship Adventures.

What continues to come to mind as the best way to describe it is that it's what the old Celtic Christians used to call a "thin place"—places where the door between this world and the next is cracked open and, for a moment, the light isn't all on the other side... They all work so hard to make everything as easy and seamless as possible for those who are there—and in the process their hearts—and God's grace and goodness—come through.

— Arlin