The name is inspired from trees that are planted in the treeless west that shield land, animals, farms, and people from the wild winds and storms that come across the great prairie.

They are called “Shelter Belts.” 

If there is one word that captures what FA hopes to offer those that come on our trips… that’s a good one. “Shelter”

What began as a $9 million dollar goal to purchase land and begin the initial building phase was immediately reduced to $6 million. Early gifts allowed us to pay off the land before we even introduced the Shelter Circle initiative. Over our 2024 WDS weekend and the weeks since, we have received almost $3 million in gifts and pledges.

All to the Glory of God

If you haven’t joined The Shelter Circle, we invite you to be a part of creating Shelter for those who need it the most. We are asking you to prayerfully make a three year pledge to come alongside the good work of Fellowship Adventures. Thank you for your generosity and obedience in partnering with our good work.

Join The Shelter Circle