Make A Gift Now

Our ministry discounts or completely underwrites the cost of a trip for dozens of people who serve in ministry or serving based vacations each year. We depend on the generosity of our donors to help fund these scholarships.

Fellowship Adventures has been blessed to be in strategic relationships with many global impacting ministries, non profits, churches and leaders. Investing in the work of FA is a multiplier as we “set the table” for world changing ministries to grow their work and impact. Our Major Donor giving initiatives create opportunities for philanthropic foundations and individuals to invest in our work, and in turn, help other ministries grow exponentially.

Make A Trip Payment

If you need to make a payment for an upcoming or previous FA Trip, please use the link below. Please select Trip Payment from the dropdown menu on the donation page.

Make A Trip Payment

We consider it a privilege to play our part in encouraging, supporting and giving back to those faithful folks who tirelessly serve and give of themselves daily. If you are interested in supporting the work of Fellowship Adventures we would be honored to share more of our story with you.

Please email Geoff at:
[email protected]

If you would like to join us in our cause, donations can be sent to:

Fellowship Adventures Outdoors
P.O. Box 994
Fairview TN. 37062

As a 501C-3 Non profit Corporation all gifts are tax deducible.

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I find it difficult to adequately capture in words my gratitude for the enormity of what Geoff has so deftly but skillfully put together with Fellowship Adventures.

What continues to come to mind as the best way to describe it is that it's what the old Celtic Christians used to call a "thin place"—places where the door between this world and the next is cracked open and, for a moment, the light isn't all on the other side... They all work so hard to make everything as easy and seamless as possible for those who are there—and in the process their hearts—and God's grace and goodness—come through.

— Arlin